Sunday, December 18, 2022

my first blog post

    since this is my first post I am really just experimenting with what I can do with layout and other such crazy things.

    I want to thank Rob Hoey at Brain Flushings for making me aware of this site.

    Elon Musk has been under pressure and scrutiny by the regressives and their counterparts in the lame stream media because of his efforts to make the Twitter platform a free speech marketplace of ideas.

    While cutting back on staff and inspiring twitterers, he has brought the platform back as the world's town square in the marketplace of ideas. But tuning up the idea of free speech in a world where censorship and tyranny threaten from every corner is a costly enterprise in terms of money and time. And we all know time is money.

    Only in America is free speech enshrined in our Bill of Rights. Only in America are #Godgiven rights part of our foundational document, The Declaration of Independence, which declares and describes such immutable truths to be self-evident and individually endowed by our Creator. So, one would think this great country would be the perfect place for such platform to grow and flourish.

I guess what I have to know now is why none of the links work in the preview.

    And the other question would be how many inches of typed lines am I limited to per page? I am assuming I have to publish to get the links working. So let's continue....
    Would it look better with a link like above or a video box...

Update on my Go Fund Me; my battle with cancer; and my adventure

  LATEST UPDATE      It hurts to eat .... it hurts to talk                                                      HERE IS WHERE WE'RE AT: ...