Monday, January 22, 2024

For my Catholic friends

        I call this section  
            "For my Catholic friends...."

"That you may walk worthy of God, in all things pleasing, being faithful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Strengthened with all might according to the power of His glory, in all patience and long suffering with joy."

Every day I post the Rosary with the mysteries for that day.
Every day I pray the Rosary this way you can join me in this uniquely Catholic prayer.

EPHESIANS 3: 17-20 

"That Christ may dwell by faith in your heart: that, being rooted and founded in charity, you may be able to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and depth, to know the charity of Christ, which surpasseth all knowledge, that you may be filled unto the fullness of God. Now to Him Who is able to do things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us; to Him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ, unto all generations, world without end. Amen."


Now, I know that not everyone is Catholic or even Christian. I don't mean any offense to anyone, but I am Catholic.

Originally, this e-bike adventure was to work my way across the country to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA 01262. I plan on making other stops: including The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Hope in Champion, Wisconsin. I was hoping to get suggestions for other stops along the way. Some of my brother Knights visit a place in New Mexico, and there is that place with the spiral staircase. Until I can get comments working you can e-mail me at with Catholic Friends in the subject line. 

Every day at 3 p.m.(mountain time) I try to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with the Marian Seminarians.

Join me in this prayer please

Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

grampa's great e-bike adventure

 As funny as it sounds...

It all starts with this goofy old man's dream to ride an e-bike across country


            Anyway, let's get started on this adventure...

            I recently retired and can now put my plans into action. I want to take off on my e-bike and "ride off into my sunset." I've designed (in my mind over the past 15 years or so) a solar charging trailer to keep my bike charged. I mean, I'm over 70, I NEED some peddle assist and you can't just stop and plug in at a Wendy's for four hours to recharge the batteries. Although I did try that once when I was testing how far a fully charged battery could get me.

            Although they did let me sit there for several hours (probably because I'm old and have that unkept homeless charisma working for me) it wasn't enough to fully recharge the battery but got me going and after a couple more short stops got me back home. It also made me realize I needed a second battery.

So three bikes and years later I'm ready to build the trailer and start the adventure...FOR REAL!


              And in my mind, I could put the whole thing together. And it worked!


There's always a but stinking up my life

              Originally, I bought a 1953 three-wheel bicycle with a big seat and a big metal basket on the back, I think it was Schwinn. I ordered an electric motor online. It was on a slow boat from China... eventually it arrived... in a beat-up box ... a lot of little pieces and wires and no wiring instructions. I can do this but...

the bike was stolen

            and then

I watched this video and came up with another plan

                                                           !! READ ALL ABOUT IT !!
            E MAIL ME at

                        I don't know about you but every day I run into a vast array of panhandlers. From the people gathering around the exits of my local grocery store to the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts; to backpacks for kids; to helping all comes down to asking you for money.

             It's gotten even worse!

            Both political parties; pundits on every side of every issue; candidates, conmen and everything in between... in my e-mail, text messages and 25 or more phone calls a day trying to sell me something or tell me something and please help the cause.

for more information
            E MAIL ME at

            Now here I am, wanting to partake of this high tec panhandling boom. I didn't want to collect social security, but pain and age forced me to apply... I get Social Security and I will have Part B Medicare starting in February, 2024. I will write more about the plans and developments, but it would be a great relief if I could get 20 people to e-mail me for information.

                                                                            !! READ ALL ABOUT IT !!

          SO, I bought a used e-bike and a kid trailer and ta da... a wee bike that you hook to a bike to make it a bicycle built for two

like this....

 I built the trailer out of the kid trailer....using the above video as a guide

writing off into the sunset


The latest "but" in my bicycle journey....

         so this is where cancer butted in....

I didn't finish my trailer

I didn't ride off into the sunset

  I was soooo close
            I bit down on this stupid chicken bone and got and got ....a splinter stuck in my head....

so close.... 

            I made numerous adjustments to the trailer design....I want to give a special thanks to Gary for welding... I'm pretty sure he was getting tired of all the adjustments and readjustments

and welding...

After changes and tests and changes and tests

I was finally down to reattaching the motor and testing it...for what I believed would be the final test before departing on my trip'
drum roll please


that stupid chicken bone started hurting like hell

24/7 pain
I couldn't sleep well
            My ear would hurt, my tongue would hurt, I kept biting my tongue when I was eating.  It was horribly distracting. It messed with my sleep. I would fall asleep hurting and wake up hurting. All motivation about the trailer and trip evaporated by the constant pain. Then my tongue started to tingle and go numb on one side, and I started talking (I'm sure this is not politically correct - no offense meant) like a freakin' retard! Then my stupid tongue doesn't work right on my left side when I'm chewing food and I'm eating like a... (well, hopefully you get the picture)

This caused me to rethink social security and medicare...     
                       !! READ ALL ABOUT IT !!          
            I retired in July at 70. I thought I didn't need or want social security or Medicare. I was going to build my trailer, hop on my e bike and ride off into the sunset. 

I know, I know what a dumb idea...and I called that my plan.

Now I ain't scared of dyin'

yet another "but" in this old man's saga
            .... I really don't like pain. I can tolerate a good deal of pain...But this chicken bone was killing me. So, I thought I will go ahead and sign up for Social Security and Medicare. But the pain was too much, so I went to see a dentist .... told her about the bone.... she couldn't see anything on the x-ray. She sent me to a dental surgeon...nothing he could do. My dentist recommended that I see my primary doctor.... I don't have one. Oh, did I forget to tell you I haven't been to a doctor in years. I have no insurance. I always figured if something was gonna kill me, it would kill me. I didn't want to pay some doctor to tell me.... we all gotta go sometime. 

Like I said I can tolerate a good deal of pain ....
but I don't like pain     
SO I wait to hear from S.S. and Medicare.

Now, I am getting Social Security and Medicare....and starting February 2nd I have Medicare Part A and B and D and any other alphabet I should find need of, plus I now have insurance from United Healthcare. UCHealth is meeting with me in a few days, January 31, to go over treatment options. They have also offered to pay for all my treatment. This does not mean an end to my GoFundME, so I would still appreciate your support. 

           And continue writing to see what interest I can snare  
Writing off into the sunset...
            This doesn't mean an end to my trailer or trip. I'm just putting that on hold until I can see a doctor or learn to live with the pain and drool. I can quit talking outloud and just talk in my various posts. (I get as much feedback either way) Mostly I feel like I'm talking to myself anyway...

            I guess what I am still looking for is people to follow me on 

Jerry White x @tribaltrust1

Jerry White

so please comment or subscribe

and subscribe to my substack

     The comment section and subscribe buttons work on the substack account. Nothing seems to work properly on this blog. If you could go to substack and give me some feedback, some insight in to how these portals can be improved....or just say HI so I know people are reading. ... or some word of encouragement.... or even discouragement because that would be more encouraging than nothing.

                                             click here READ ALL ABOUT IT

Update on my Go Fund Me; my battle with cancer; and my adventure

  LATEST UPDATE      It hurts to eat .... it hurts to talk                                                      HERE IS WHERE WE'RE AT: ...